Signature Arrangement

Signature Arrangement

from $95.00

Our signature arrangements include a variety of beautiful fresh in season and sometimes local blooms in a clear vase (see category “Vases” for more options). It’s the perfect way to say Happy Birthday! or I Love You! or Thank You! or Feel Better! or even Sorry I F*cked Things Up!

Sweeten your arrangement by adding a Brooklyn made soy candle from Paige’s Candles! Available in Lavender, Earl Grey and Cactus Fruit. Go here to pick your scent after you’ve added your flowers!

Wednesday-Friday pick up from our Greenpoint studio OR delivery for a fee (applied at check out). Enter recipients address in “Shipping” field at check out. Orders must be received 24 hours in advance. Please email us for same day orders.

Due to the availability in our supply chain all flowers and palettes are designer’s choice. We will do our best to accommodate requests but can not guarantee specific flowers or color palette.

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Arrangement shown for size and fullness only. All designs are designer’s choice. Palette and flowers change weekly.

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Everlasting Flower Bouquet - Designer's Choice

from $50.00
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Weekly Flower Subscription For 1 Month

from $85.50 every week for 4 weeks
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3 Month Flower Subscription

from $85.50 every month for 3 months
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Le Disko!

from $125.00
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6 Month Flower Subscription

from $85.50 every month for 6 months