Valentine's Bouquet Preorder

Valentine's Bouquet Preorder


Our Valentine Bouquets evoke a modern, chic, romantic and lux style. With premium blooms of Moab Garden Roses, Japanese Sweet Pea, Italian Black Ranunculus, Dutch Tulips (just name a few!) will do all the heavy lifting to show how you feel. Each bouquet comes wrapped in our signature branded tissue paper, Swiss satin ribbon and a handwritten card with care instructions.

Orders must be received no later than Thursday, 2/13.

If your bouquet is not going into water within 30 minutes of receiving, let us know and we will include a hydration wrap to keep the flowers fresh.

Please note that due to availability some flowers may need to be substituted. This item does not come with a vase.

DELIVERY is anytime between 10AM and 5PM. If there is no doorman we will text the day of to set up a time for delivery.

PICK UP is available from our Greenpoint Ave Studio between 10am and 7pm. Pick up instructions will be emailed to you when the order is received.

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